The strawberry has a superficial root system that expands over a limited volume of soil: 90% of the roots are located in the first 15 cm of soil. To irrigate the crop, Streamline Plus 16080 dripline is used with a 20cm space between the drippers and 1-1.6 litres/hour. The uniformity of distribution by Netafim micro irrigation systems is a further reason for having the same concentration of nutrients for each irrigated plant and therefore uniformity of quality.
Add to this the high resistance to blockages which, even in mulched solutions, ensures trouble-free operation that would be difficult to solve with the plastic sheet. The automatic management of the fertigation system is carried out with an NMC control unit for the integrated management of irrigation and fertigation with the possibility of remote management. The controlled injection system will be of the Fertikit PL type installed in line with a pre-assembled output mixing filter. Our experts are at your disposal to carry out the best irrigation plan for strawberry cultivation.