Meet precision nutrigation
Controlling what you give to your field every day and not applying your entire season's fertiliser in one go has many benefits. It allows you to maximise yields and reduce nutrients costs by providing plants with what they need, when they need it. Not sooner nor later. Using the drip system for nutrients application reduces labor and equipment costs associated with traditional ways of applying nutrients. Lastly, it allows you to manage risks and reduce losses caused by falling crop prices, diseases, or unpredictable weather patterns.
Nourish your crops from the inside
Nutrigation is a game of quantities, nutrient combinations and precise timings. Precision fertigation is the optimal rootzone management tool delivering just the right combination of water and nutrients directly to the roots of each plant, according to your crop development cycles.
Precision nutrigation or fertigation protects your fertiliser investment by letting you tweak dosages on demand, in response to setbacks like market fluctuations and climate changes. And, by keeping doses small and well timed with rain patterns, it protects you from leaching and groundwater contamination.
So wherever you are, you can use a precision nutrigation system to get higher yields, better-quality crops, reduced leaching, reduced volatility and runoff, and a better return on your fertiliser investment.