Precision irrigation: Power to the farmer

Precision irrigation: Power to the farmer

You used to have to spend more on labor, land and other agricultural inputs to grow higher and better yields, and to put your trust in unpredictable climates. Precision irrigation changes all that.


Precision irrigation feeds the plant, not the soil. That’s a big deal. Because when you deliver water and nutrients straight to the roots, you lower your costs. More importantly, you grow higher yields of healthier crops. Wherever you are, whatever your challenges. Scroll down to see three ways precision irrigation changes agriculture for the better.

Water-use efficiency

Water-use efficiency

Farmers around the world are under pressure to optimize their water use efficiency. They’re facing challenges like drought, evaporation, salinization, groundwater depletion, and lack of access to water reserves. Precision irrigation helps you tackle those challenges by changing the way you use water – delivering higher and better yields than you’ve ever seen, with less water.

Zmieńmy sposób uprawy żywności na świecie

Zmieńmy sposób uprawy żywności na świecie

Do 2050 roku świat będzie musiał podwoić produkcję żywności. Hodowcy potrzebują rozwiązania, które poprawi wydajność i produktywność rolnictwa przy istniejących zasobach.

Food security

Food security

By 2050, the world will need to double its food production. To keep up with demand, that means growers will need twice the amount of water and arable land. But the availability of both resources is already in rapid decline. So instead, growers need a solution that changes the way they operate. One that increases their efficiency and productivity with the reasorces they have. Precision irrigation is that solution.

Precision Irrigation solutions

Whatever you grow, we’ll help you grow more of it

Rozwiązania precyzyjnego nawadniania

Nie ważne, co uprawiasz, możemy pomóc ci uzyskać większe plony.
Rozwiązania precyzyjnego nawadniania

Historie hodowców

Poznaj pionierów precyzyjnego nawadniania

Dan Luepkes przekształcił swoje najgorsze grunty w najlepsze.

"Jesteśmy w stanie przewyższyć plony najlepszych gruntów w tej okolicy na jednym z najuboższych gleb."

Dan Luepkes

Kukurydza, USA

Guy Karel grows carrots where no one thought it was possible

"We live in a remote desert area. Soil and water is a serious matter.”

Guy Karel

Vegetables, Israel


Masatoshi Osani started saving water and growing better melons.

“Even in areas where it rains, fertigation by means of drip is very important.”

Masatoshi Osani

Corn & Melon, Brazil

Our products

Find the precise answer for your crop, climate, and topography

Every season is a race to grow higher yields with fewer resources. Browse our wide range of innovative products and tailor-made solutions and start optimizing the use of your land, water and fertilizers. For higher and better yields, season after season. 

See the range

Grow your success

When you need to plan and execute any agricultural project, any size anywhere, you’ll make bigger agricultural profits with the right partner by your side. So take advantage of our services – an effective combination of three core elements:

End-to-end project management expertise

End-to-end project management expertise

Advanced planning, implementation and maintenance capabilities for every size of agricultural project.

Global presence and knowledge

Global presence and knowledge

50 years of experience working with growers and stakeholders in every continent.


A powerful collaborative spirit

A powerful collaborative spirit

Guiding and supporting governments, companies, investors and growers.