Monitor Crop and Field Conditions - in One Place, in Real Time
Your sensors are fully integrated into the GrowSphere™ OS, so you can see everything that’s happening - quickly, easily, and in real time.
Keeping a finger on the pulse of what’s happening in soil, weather, plants, and status of their hydraulic system is critical. GrowSphere™ takes monitoring to a new level, making precision irrigation a reality.
Your sensors are fully integrated into the GrowSphere™ OS, so you can see everything that’s happening - quickly, easily, and in real time.
GrowSphere™ analyses sensor data, plus weather forecasts, and generates tailored recommendations regarding the optimal irrigation scheduling for each crop block. You can always adjust these according to your knowledge.
At the click of a button, GrowSphere™ lets you execute the irrigation recommendations, delivering precise irrigation exactly when your crops need it.
GrowSphere™ ONE is a robust monitoring unit.
Compatible with a wide range of sensors, solar powered, and fitted
with a global SIM card for easy in-field setup.
Get real-time insights on soil moisture levels at different depths, calibrated to multiple soil types.
Sensor types:
Track crop health and growth to determine water requirements, with on-the-ground or remote sensors.
Sensor types:
Get instant confirmation that valve open/close commands have been executed as planned.
Sensor types:
Monitor weather-related parameters such as solar radiation, relative humidity and precipitation.
Sensor types: